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Thursday, 13 September 2012

Periglacial processes

Now that I have outlined the key terms that I think were quite handy to know when talking about periglacial environments, I am now going to move onto periglacial processes.

One of the main periglacial processes is mass movement. This is due to the periglacial environment: the thawing and freezing of water throughout the year which leads to water lying above the permafrost, low temperatures meaning that water cannot evaporate and a lack of vegetation so the soil cannot properly hold the soil together. However, this mass movement term is very broad and it can be narrowed down to a more specific process:

Solifluction – This is the slow, downslope movement of saturated soil and sediment. As the ice thaws into water, it cannot infiltrate the hard ground below it and so begins to move on the surface, typically downslope moving material with it. This process can be seen as it can create lobes which are semi-mixed surface deposits.

The diagram above shows the process of solifluction

The diagram above shows the process of solifluction as well as showing the lobes that can be created with a visual example of these forms.

Frost heave – this is the upward and outward movement of the ground surface which is caused by the formation of ice within the soil. Ice crystals develop in the winter when the active layer of the permafrost freezes and these expand upwards at the soil surface. Stones which are in the soil cool down much quicker than the surrounding soil and so ice forms here much faster. As this water freezes it expands and pushes the stone upwards. This process continues until the stone eventually reaches the surface. Soil and stones that are pushed up in this manner eventually form small domes and the stones located on top of these domes will eventually move down slope via processes of mass movement.

Nivation – This is a process that occurs underneath patches of snow, in hollows of rock. Frost action that occurs beneath the snow (mainly cycles of freeze-thaw weathering) gradually wears away and eventually shatters this underlying rock. In the spring when thawing takes place, mass movement carries away these deposits of weathered rock. Periodic freeze-thaw weathering causes the creation of nivation hollows.

Frost shattering – This occurs as a result of continuous cycles of freeze-thaw weathering and the wet conditions of the active layer. Water enters into cracks and joints in the rock and as the temperature drops, the water freezes causing it to expand and therefore puts pressure on the rock, weakening it. When the ice thaws, it contracts. This continuous process will eventually weaken the rock to the point that it shatters.

Aeolian processes – Due to the lack of vegetation in periglacial environments, the soil is more prone to wind action. This can produce a loess (for example in northern China).

I found it difficult to find diagrams of each of these processes. However, when teaching them it might be good to get the students to draw their own diagrams of each of these processes. This would aid in their learning by not only writing down the processes but by drawing them and so it might help with remembering them. It could also be turned into some form of game; putting up my own diagrams of the different processes around the room and getting students to move around the room and guessing which processes go with which diagram. Then afterwards, getting them to sit down and volunteer what they thought each process was and why. This would help to engage the students and might also help quieter students as they would have had a chance to discuss with others and so may help give them more confidence with volunteering answers in a class discussion.

In my next post I will look at the different periglacial landforms that may be created as a result of these different processes.

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